Brown/Blue Spotty

14 February 2011

A Very Meagre Weekend Report

There was the promise of much progress this last weekend, LM had many car jobs to keep him occupied and this usually leads to me being able to potter to my heart's content, either with housework, stitching, shopping ~ whatever takes my fancy really. 

Grocery shopping was manual again this week and quickly crossed off the to-do list.  My lovely Sis2 & her DH arrived for a spot of lunch, a brief but very enjoyable visit due to their other commitments.  They usually have 101 things to fit into their weekend when visiting the North East and this visit was no exception.  We are lucky in that we take regular trips to their lovely part of Scotland ~ the last was over the festive period where we attended the ceilidh in their village hall to bring in the New Year ~ not for the faint-hearted I can tell you! 

After lunch LM went back to headlights & re-aligning doors and I went to sleep!  Aside from a little dabbling with laundry sleep has been my main activity ~ I have thought about stitching/crafting unfortunately none of these thoughts have been carried out.  I hope to fair better this week at moving a few things on.



Julie said...

It's been such a cold and dull weekend i think i lot of folks have snuggled under the blanket and done nothing at all!

Happy Valentines Day - loved seeing the hearts in your home

Lesleyanne said...

Hope you feel more like stitching and crafting this week. I think it happens to us all at some stage. The mind is willing but the body isn't.