and other white rabbit happenings. How can it be August already?
I'm back in the unenviable position of being behind on everything again hence the title ~ I don't think I'm actually late per se, more agitated that I'm not finishing things.
First up is my unofficial TUSAL reporting which was due 30 July ~ yeah I guess I am late for this! I took the photographs to take my mind off other things on Saturday but didn't get round to posting them till now.
There seems to be quite a lot considering the small volume of stitching that I have achieved for July. I have so many things at present which I'm sure would take just moments (relatively speaking) to complete, I'm just missing the inclination. And I'm sure you know that trying to finish something when you're really not in the mood to be doing it can spell utter disaster ~ so things have been left.
Secondly, I joined a summer biscornu exchange on the Friendly Stitchers Yahoo Group and this is the lovely one stitched for me by my partner ~ isn't it gorgeous? There was a lovely note enclosed with it and it arrived super quick after partner's details were issued - Mouse clearly has smokin' needles. Thanks so much Mouse, yours is almost ready to mail out, I should manage that this week.
Next is my top secret project which is coming along ~ slowly! Part II arrived in the mail last week ~ there isn't as much stitching as in Part I but still I am behind. No photographs just yet.
Then we come to the summer holiday exchange on Needlecraft Haven ~ I have started this but it hasn't had much time devoted to it and there are no pictures ~ these need to show me working on the project.
Now, blog reading, groups & emails ~ waaaaay behind. Housework, laundry etc ~ waaaaay behind. Bit of a theme really and not one I care for too much!
A new month has arrived and I'm hoping that I shall manage some catch up. It will be a busy month ~ LM has a few business trips coming up, the GB's are off for a few days to a wedding. I have applications to follow up and interviews to attend, the GB's have exam results to collect and digest and we have family matters to discuss and plans to be instigated.
I won't tell you about the rat incident.....
Till next time.